Remote Pilot Licence Requirements for Beyond Visual Line of Sight
To operate drones Beyond Visual Line of Sight the remote pilot flying will require a pass in the CASA Instrument Rating Exam (IREX). This is the same exam an airline pilot would undertake as part of their training. The remote pilot flying will also need to hold a Remote Pilot Licence (RePL) and be operating under a Remote Operators Certificate (ReOC) with approved procedures for operating Beyond Visual Line of Sight.
Beyond Visual Line of Sight training for the Instrument Rating Exam (IREX)
Aviassist has an intensive training course for the Instrument Rating Exam (IREX) conducted over five days. The five day course is lead by instructors that have extensive experience in instrument flight and remotely piloted aircraft system operations. The IREX exam is an external exam put together by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA), all reference material required is provided by Aviassist. The exam is challenging and students should be motivated to succeed. Additional time will need to be allocated outside of the course for revision and the CASA exam. See upcoming courses for available dates
Beyond Visual Line of Sight Area Approvals
For operations Beyond Visual Line of Sight, each flight area must be specifically approved by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). There are a number of safety considerations to satisfy before approval will be granted. Consideration should be made in regards to this before investing further.
Beyond Visual Line of Sight RPAS Requirements
There are specific requirements for aircraft operating Beyond Line of Sight. These need to be met when applying for the area approval. In some cases exemptions may be available from certain requirements.