Remote Pilot Licence Multirotor 150kg

Remote Pilot Licence Multirotor up to 150kg requirement

Operating a Multirotor drone between 25kg and 150kg commercially requires a Remote Pilot Licence for the specific drone type. The Remote Pilot Licence Multirotor up to 25kg must be held prior to obtaining the Remote Pilot Licence Multirotor up to 150kg.

On completion of the drone-specific upgrade, you will be issued with a Remote Pilot Licence for Multirotor up to 150kg with a restriction to the drone type conducted during the upgrade. For example, a Remote Pilot Licence Multirotor up to 150kg restricted to DJI T40 (MTOW up to 101kg).

Gaining experience   Landowner rule Commercial 
Remote Pilot Licence up to 25kg Yes Yes Yes
Remote Pilot Licence up to 150kg No Yes Yes
Remote Operator Certificate No No Yes

Gaining experience

Operations of a  Medium Category Multirotor up to 150kgs are permitted without a Remote Pilot Licence for the specific type of drone or a Remote Operator Certificate provided that:

  • The Remote Pilot holds a Remote Pilot Licence for the Category of drone to be operated (Multirotor/Powered Lift/ Fixed Wing/ Helicopter)
  • The purpose of the drone operation is to gain practical experience on drone type for the purpose of a flight test.

Landowner rule

Drone operations may be conducted under the “landowner rule” without the requirement for a Remote Operator Certificate. A Remote Pilot Licence for the specific drone type is still required. To meet the landowner rule:

  • The drone must be operated by the owner of the drone (or a person operating on behalf of the owner)
  • Operated over land owned or occupied by the drone owner
  • No renumeration received for the drone operation
  • Operations are limited to the standard operating conditions

Best practice is to operate under a Remote Operator Certificate which allows for drone operations to be better managed and scaled. Operations under a Remote Operator Certificate also allows operations outside of the standard operating conditions such as Swarming or Beyond Visual Line of Sight.



Multirotor up to 150kg Train and Test vs Test Only

Aviassist offers two pathways to complete the Remote Pilot Licence for Multirotor up to 150kg:

  • Train and Test using Aviassist’s fleet of drones
  • Test only using your own drone

Train and Test for Multirotor up to 150kg

Training and Testing for Multirotor up to 150kg is scheduled over one day and includes:

  • A comprehensive briefing of the drone and sub-systems
  • Competency-based training, including specialised operations for the drone type (e.g. spraying operations or sling loads)
  • Flight test for the issue of a CASA Remote Pilot Licence for Multirotor up to 150kg.

Test Only

At a minimum, to obtain the Remote Pilot Licence for Multirotor up to 150kg, a flight test is required. For those with experience on the drone type, Aviassist schedules flight test days.

Flight tests are scheduled over two hours on your own drone. Proof of registration, insurance and full maintenance history is required.

Available drone types for Multirotor up to 150kg

Train and Test Test Only
DJI T25 No Yes
DJI T40 Yes Yes
DJI T50 Yes Yes
DJI FlyCart 30 No Yes
Freespace Callisto 50 Yes Yes
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